Out on the delta in the long hot day
cool waterʼs got nothin to say
skippin stones on a summer breeze time goes by and we do what we please thunder clouds are rollin up
high on the mountain like the promise of love she could heal me when I bleed
and show me signs that I never heed
she is like the 7th ocean
a free wind that will never sleep she is like a dream in motion
a big muddy river deep
All the hustlers in the market place Colors blowin up in my face
I hear a voice saying walk away youʼll be sorry boy if you stay
but thereʼs no telling what a fool might do to catch a fire for a minute or two
she could walk away and make me plead she could give you everything you need
she is like the 7th ocean
a free wind that will never sleep
she is like a dream in motion
a big muddy river deep
Sheʼll make you think of wine and roses
and she doesnʼt care if the devil knows it
all night (long?) you can hear the wind blow
but itʼs got nothin on the storm your heart knows